- Rhythm doctor steinway update#
- Rhythm doctor steinway pro#
- Rhythm doctor steinway plus#
- Rhythm doctor steinway series#
I do think that this song should go AFTER Tier 3, because I think it takes for granted that you're a pro at multi-tasking the different lines. I loved the difficulty on this latest song, I thought it was really really fun and it really put me to the test after how much I've improved doing the other songs. Yes, I completed the previous demo, even unlocking the secret song via getting S rank on Tier 3 Hard. Especially if this level goes AFTER all the other ones so far. Yeah, I thought the swing beats were inuitive enough to figure out, even probably for non-musicians.
Rhythm doctor steinway plus#
Having the last line be the girl instead of the samurai helped, plus I usually associate the Samurai character with bass/bass drum in general. It was clear to me that the first four lines were bass and the last line was treble, especially because you used the different characters.

I think a lot of people will love it when it's done.

To be completely honest I'll load up Rhythm Doctor just to play it when I'm having a bad day. I love the music, the visuals, the gameplay, everything. I love rhythm games and I have so much fun with it. I literally registered this account just so I can follow this thread and give my feedback! First of all, I just wanted you to know I absolutely love Rhythm Doctor so far. Hey! Huge fan of the game so far, have been for the past few months. difficulty: have you completed the previous demo, and how enjoyable was the difficulty on this one? Thanks! were the swing rhythms (DUM daDUM daDUM daDUM) and inverse swing rhythms (daDUM daDUM daDUM da) intuitive enough to not require explanation? 3.

are you a piano player, and as a player / non-player, do you feel the changing focus of rows managed to emphasise the dichotomy of treble and bass? when switching from the bottom row to playing the first four for example was it obvious that you were now following the bass melody? 2. For those who play it, feedback on the following would be much appreciated! 1.
Rhythm doctor steinway update#
You'll only get to play the level that is currently being worked on of course, so keep checking back here for new levels lest you miss out Come hang out! And finally, Update Number One This latest level serves to introduce swing beats. We'll also update the WIP link above with recent prototypes of gameplay ideas. This DevLog There is a topic in the Playtesting section already, but I thought it would be better to post the minor updates over here, and also we'd like to hopefully update more frequently on a weekly-ish basis. but hey it was the most popular thing), testing it in different browsers and Flash versions, and I have come to the conclusion that the following is what you need so that the game registers a hit only when you are PRECISELY on time (within 0.02s): Browser: Anything but Chrome Flash Player: 11.4 or above A lot of thought went on whether I should just make the margins wider to compensate for lag, but then that would just turn this game into just a typical Guitar Hero / Rock Band game which I don't want. Many, many hours were spent making the engine accurate (Flash is not a good choice for millisecond accuracy. Most of the work believe it or not was making the engine precise enough to be playable. My game seeks to emulate that feeling I've been working on this on and off for two summers now. This means many people don't even realise their rhythm is a little off until they play Rhythm Heaven.
Rhythm doctor steinway series#
Made me smile all the way through! Thanks BluBerryGamer Summary Rhythm Doctor is a tough ONE-BUTTON rhythm game heavily inspired by Rhythm Heaven! For those who haven't played Rhythm Heaven, the defining feature of the series is the extremely strict margin of error, compared to any other music game out there. It has a resonance to it that most flash games don't." - Clumpy that brilliantly shows off the game. (.) Rhythm is in everything, and I'm glad the developers found it in medicine." Reddit thread "You've really nailed that quirky Japanese game sort of personality, that often really quirky and surreal sense of humor with a gentle sort of grounding to it. Fun stuff Kanye - Power Press & Feedback Eurogamer "a rad Rhythm Paradise-esque browser game (.) sadistically difficult." "The base mechanic and premise of Rhythm Doctor are gold for me. Current WIP level in second link: "Steinway" prototype, an acoustic piano song recorded in the studio of Churchill College, Cambridge. Hi guys, Builds >PLAY LATEST BUILD<< Play prototype of latest level.