The City is still home to several cutting-edge textile, specialty manufacturing, and graphics industries, and is working actively to recruit Information Technology, green power, and light manufacturing jobs. 1237 Lacey Putney Way, Bedford, VA 24523 (540) 586-7735 Website 251 in Virginia Middle Schools. Artists from all over the Blue Ridge are settling into the crofts and studios of centertown Bedford, and live roots music can be found in the local restaurants several nights a week. Another round of economic expansion and change ensued, and today the Town of Bedford remains in transition, becoming a small cultural mecca, with art, music, and design taking center stage. In August, I participated in the Reimagining Bedford County Schools Committee. Ernie Sawyer, Ed.D., has been a part of Bedford County Public Schools since 2016 when he began work as an assistant principal at Bedford/Liberty Middle School. In 1968, the name was changed again to the City of Bedford, and the town became in independent city under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. I served as the English Department Chair at Bedford/Liberty Middle School and. 5630 10AP Alexandria, VA : tribute to T.C. Their sacrifice was immortalized in the 2008 film "The Town They Left Behind." 16421 24JY Afton, TN : tribute to Chuckey - Doak Middle School for. Bedford City was also home to some of the brave soldiers that fought at the D-Day Invasion known as the "Bedford Boys," these men served with Company A, 116th Infantry, and lost the most soldiers of any town during the invasion. Together the administration, teachers, and staff at LMS work to fulfill our schools. These homes can be seen today in the area around Avenel House.Īlthough the expansion was short-lived, Bedford City continued to be an agricultural and manufacturing center for many years to come, and evolved into a typical American small town. Our school serves sixth through eighth grade students in Ashland, Virginia.

Not only did the opening of the schools bring new students into town, it also made the "Liberty Improvement" (one of the several subdivisions of Victorian-era middle-class homes built during the expansion) a perfect location for the school teachers.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at .us. Nearby Public Schools (within a 15-mile radius) Liberty High, VA (< 0.Bedford City continued to gain prestige as the agricultural, commercial, industrial and administrative center for the area, and it attracted several college preparatory schools during the late 1890s and early 1900s: Belmont Seminary, Jeter Institute, Randolph Macon Academy, and Virginia Business College. Welcome This 2020-2021 school year, I am happy to be teaching Intro to Agriscience (6th grade), Agriscience Exploration (7th grade).

July 1, 2022, data includes home values, household income, percentage of homes owned, rented or vacant, etc.
Review boundary maps and recent demographic data for the neighborhood, city, county, ZIP Code, and school zone. Input a Home Address - Find the School Zones (& Other Data) Boundary Maps, Demographic Data, School Zones